Ten Myths About Starting a Business

1. "I'm broke, so it's a good time to start a business." New ventures drain bank accounts fast, so plan on having at least two year's worth of income in addition to start-up costs, which vary depending on the business. Then, you can devote all your time and energy without having to hold down a job at the same time.

2. "I need a little more practice before I launch my business." Many people start new businesses based on their experience, but it's easy to keep putting it off because you need "more practice." At some point, you have to take the leap from "practicing" to "owning a business."

3. "I hate being told what to do, so I'll start my own business." Like it or not, business owners have lots of bosses — called customers.

4. "I'm not renting an office so I don't need much seed money." Make no mistake about it: Even if you're home-based, you need lots of money for supplies, desks, phone service, memberships, license fees, accountants, lawyers, business cards, web designers, consultants and more.

5. "I don't need a business plan." Every business needs a plan, but don't worry about creating the "perfect" one. Life changes and plenty of things steer you off track. Create a flexible plan and review it in six months.

6. "I don't need a marketing plan." Get one right away. You might have the best product or service in the world, but it won't sell unless people know about it.

7. "My Web site will bring in lots of business." Cyber-marketing is effective only if your ideal clients are found on the Web and you do Internet marketing. It's not automatic.

8. "I can do it all." Nonsense. Nobody knows everything. Take classes, network, develop a support base and hire professionals. New businesses take lots of time and energy. If you try and do it all, you'll burn out. Take care of yourself, keep your energy level up, and try not to spend every waking moment thinking about your venture.

9. "My family and friends are all the support I need." Sure, they're supportive, but they may only offer only warm and fuzzy feedback. Call on objective parties to give you the absolute truth about what you're doing right and wrong.

10. "Starting a business will be a breeze. I don't need a lawyer I can just copy some forms!" New ventures are almost always harder than the founders anticipate and most business owners go through an "I can't do this anymore" stage. The successful ones get beyond it. Try and ride out the discouraging times and lean on your support network to get you through. Call Ronald J. Cappuccio, J.D., LL.M.(Tax), Attorney at Law, (856) 665-2121 BEFORE you start your business.



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