Ideas to Improve Business

Top Notch Service Improves Results.If your company has a successful relationship with most of its clientele, you may think that it is not necessary to put too much effort into customer relations. But you can't just sit by and watch your policies work. More Information...

Pricing Your Products. What is the best price for your products or services? It isn't based on how many customers you have, how many salespeople you employ, the standards in your industry - or even what you've charged in the past. More Information...

Brand Name Selection. When you create a brand name, the relative strength of the words you choose directly affects how well you will be able to protect the goodwill your brand builds. More Information...

Avoiding Employee Overtime--Generally, under federal law, the only people who are exempt from overtime pay are certain salaried employees who supervise two or more people, perform management functions, make strategic decisions, and possess hiring and firing authority or influence. More Information...

Stop Losing Customers. How many times have you, or your salespeople, responded to a customer request by saying, "We don't carry that item?" or, "I'm sorry, but that's not part of our service package?" The number is critical, and if you don't know it, then you're losing profit potential   More Information...

Mandatory Employee Overtime.   When companies depend on mandatory overtime, they must try to minimize the stress and disruptions it causes in their workers’ lives. Studies show that as overtime is extended, productivity can drop anywhere from 10 percent to 50 percent.So regular overtime can become very expensive when you add in the costs of redoing work and the increased compensation cost. Here are eight simple steps that can help maintain productivity. Click Here...

Faster Payments with Bank Lock boxes. Does your company receive payments by snail mail? There's an easy way to improve your cash flow and save a bundle in the process. Simply set up a "lock box" account. With this approach, your customers mail their payments to a bank or post office box that is emptied at least once a day. The checks are immediately deposited into your account. More information...

Service Contracts.  
If your company has contracts for maintaining and servicing your equipment and vehicles, chances are, you’re spending more than you need to.

A sure-fire way to save money is to hire your staff to do the work for you. Not only will in-house maintenance cut costs, it's more convenient and boosts efficiency. More information....

Employee Cross-training  
In any company, making employees familiar with more than one job is critical to developing the business and dealing with the unexpected. A sure-fire strategy for coping with unforeseen circumstances is a cross training program.


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