Solving Tax Law Issues

Stopping the IRS

By hiring an experienced tax and business attorney you will be relieved of the burden of personally fighting the IRS and Tax authorities. Ronald J. Cappuccio, J.D., LL.M.(Tax), tax attorney will:

  • represent you at all IRS offices
  • respond to IRS demand letters and communications
  • prevent the IRS from contacting you
  • confront IRS Revenue Officers and prevent IRS intimidation and mistakes
  • pursue all administrative and legal remedies

Tax Planning

In the rapidly changing business environment of the 21st Century, knowledge of the latest tax laws, as well as the realities of running a modern business, provides me with the insight to develop realistic long range tax plans for my clients. Business and tax planning requires knowledge of US, State, and local tax laws relating to the business, its principals and employees.

My tax experience emphasizes the formation and representation of LLCs, corporations and partnerships with regard to business start-ups and expansions, including tax consequences related to mergers and acquisitions. I can help you with 


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© Copyright 1996-2008 Ronald J. Cappuccio, J.D., LL.M.(Tax) All Rights Reserved
Phone (856) 665-2121 Fax (856) 665-9005  email: ron@businessesq.com
See Our Other Site Taxesq.com